Just now the industry is trying to have it both ways 目前整个产业都在努力兼顾这两方面。
You cannot have it both ways 你不可能两面讨好。
But why can ' t we have it both ways ? can ' t we educate people for life as well as for a career 但是我们为什么不能两全其美呢!我们能不能教会人们既懂得谋生,又懂得去成就一番事业
You want to go to the pictures with edna and at the same time stay at home and watch football on television ; well , you can ' t have it both ways 你想同埃德去看电影上,同时又想呆在家里看电视足球赛。得了,你不能两者同时兼得。
A bonus payment is either a gift , and therefore optional on the part of your employers , or it is part of your income , and therefore subject to income tax ; you can ' t have it both ways 奖金,要么作为礼物,所以要由你的老板选择;要么作为你工资的一部分,那就要交纳所得税?你不可能二者兼得。
have it both waysとは意味:両立{りょうりつ}させる、(欲張って)両方{りょうほう}とる、二股をかける◆【用法】特に相互に矛盾する二つのことを両方はとれないという否定で用いる